Sunday, July 28, 2013

Malacanang of the North

Malacanang of the North“, or otherwise known as the White House of the North.
This palace in northern Ilocos overlooks Paoay Lake, and is the residence of deposed president Ferdinand Marcos and his family when they are in the north. This was one of 29 summer residences that Marcos built during his rule. When it was built in 1977, Malacanang of the North became the venue of the trendiest high society settings. The Marcoses entertained their guests to parties, water skies and golf.
After Marcos was deposed in 1986 and died a few years later, the palace transformed into a museum of the late president’s memorabilia.
When I visited the palace in 1990, everything was still very impressive. The massive staircase and living areas that greet visitors on the first floor are reminiscent of Spanish-inspired extravagance. The two masters bedrooms have royalty written all over it.
But all these descriptions are just words, really. So I’ll let these few pictures capture the story ofelegance extravagance that marked the Marcos era.
A closer view of the front entrance.
The grand staircase.
The great room for entertaining guests.
One of the upstairs dining room.
The masters’ bedroom. One of them, anyway.
The back, which overlooks Paoay Lake.

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